Eichhoff News

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Posted on 05/09/2024 at 06:36 am | Viewed 2,303 times

Celebrating our commitment to quality, Eichhoff Elektro Kft. is proud to announce our ISO 9000 certification. This prestigious recognition underscores our dedication to maintaining the highest standards in manufacturing processes, ensuring excellence in every product we deliver.

Our Commitment to Quality

Posted on 05/09/2024 at 05:15 am | Viewed 2,252 times

At Eichhoff Elektro Kft, quality is not just a goal; it's a fundamental part of our philosophy and strategy. Our management team is fully committed to upholding our quality policy, taking responsibility for its implementation at every level.

Our dedication to delivering exceptional quality products stems from understanding and meeting the demands of our customers, both domestically and internationally. We prioritize the goals of usage, safety, and environmental protection regulations in every aspect of our operations.

Eichhoff Elektro

Posted on 05/30/2018 at 07:29 am | Viewed 18,259 times

Eichhoff Elektro electronic ignition systems are ideal for cooking, baking and heating appliances. Features include: low power consumption, repetitive spark ignition, one to six ignition points, long life guaranteed semiconductors and fastons for mains and high voltage. 

Eichhoff ignition transformers are ideal for gas and oil burners. Features include: high frequency ignition system, safe and stable ignition and quality based on individual testing.

SPS/IPC/Drives 2012 Exhibition

Posted on 11/15/2012 at 02:13 pm | Viewed 23,422 times

SPS/IPC/Drives 2012 Exhibition Nürnberg, Germany from November 27th, to November 30th, 2012
With new energy and ideas but with the well-known staff we are waiting for your visit at SPS/IPC/Drives 2012 Exhibition in Nürnberg.
Also our booth 4-523 is going to reflect our new face and concept.
Would you intend to book an appointment in advance, pls.contact us.
We’re counting on your visit and we wish you a nice trip to Nürnberg.
Your Eichhoff Elektro Kft. Team

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Tel: 0036 27 317-083 | Tel: 0036 27 317-084 | Fax: 0036 27 511-187

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